Rock Region METRO has your business needs covered with a unique, party-perfect venue!
Take in Downtown Little Rock, the Arkansas River and North Little Rock’s Argenta District aboard a METRO Streetcar private charter! Food, drinks and décor allowed. Seats 44 guests with a 50-guest capacity. In general, streetcar charters are available 5:30-10 p.m. Monday-Wednesday; 5:30-12 p.m. Thursday-Saturday; and 12-7 p.m. Sunday. It may be possibly to book a streetcar later than the times posted. For more information, contact Hayden Krisell, marketing and communications associate, at 501-375-6717 Ext. 262. PLEASE NOTE: If you’re wanting to rent the Arkansas Destinations trolley (meaning a trolley on rubber tires that can go on any appropriately paved surface in our area), you’ll need to contact Arkansas Destinations, because Rock Region METRO doesn’t operate trolleys. We operate streetcars with metal wheels that run on a fixed rail route.