Posted on October 10, 2018 in Alerts, News

Rock Region METRO is partnering with San Francisco-based Token Transit to offer central Arkansas transit riders a free smartphone app that allows pass purchases from anywhere. Starting Wednesday, Oct. 10, riders will be able to purchase any METRO pass through the Token Transit app. To encourage riders to try the app, METRO is offering a 50 percent off discount on a rider’s first single, in-app pass purchase of a bus or streetcar pass Oct. 10-Nov. 10, 2018. The pilot program will run this week through Spring 2019.

Token Transit is a free mobile app that requires iOS 9.0 or later versions for iPhone users and Android 4.4 or later versions for all Android users. The app accepts debit and credit card payment methods; however, family members and friends may purchase mobile passes at and send them to any 10-digit smartphone number. The app requires users to have Internet access and a strong mobile data package when purchasing and verifying passes to board a METRO vehicle. All METRO buses and streetcars have free WiFi to aid riders who may experience connectivity problems.

“Offering a mobile fare payment system is yet another handy technology tool METRO is adding to our system to provide more convenient and cost-effective service,” said METRO Executive Director Charles D. Frazier. “One of our strategic imperatives for the upcoming year is to improve the METRO customer experience. Token Transit will improve the passenger experience by allowing riders an easy, convenient way to purchase passes ‘on the fly’ while saving agency resources allocated to processing pass orders and payments and potentially reducing boarding times. We look forward to learning more about the benefits of mobile fare systems with this pilot program.”